Rise up to the occasion! Win 5 ranked games this July to get this bread in your ...

HearthStone- Rise up to the occasion! Win 5 ranked games this July to get this bread in your …

in Heartstone

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Rise up to the occasion! Win 5 ranked games this July to get this bread in your card back collection. It’s the yeast you can do! 🥖


HearthStone’s Instagram post information

HearthStone’s social media information post titled Rise up to the occasion! Win 5 ranked games this July to get this bread in your … is credited to Hearthstone on instagram account playhearthstone and currently has 2658 likes as of posting.

Yes, we all love playing HearthStone, follow our posts on HearthStone Updates!


  1. I think you are doing a decent job Blizzard, I am enjoying Hearthstone at the moment, and as a dad, I liked that joke. 👏 Keep up the good work.

  2. fix demon hunter first, or just remove it from the game entirely. then mayb i’ll keep playing 🙂

  3. I thought that was a pie. Plus we get Demon Hunter but Not Monk or Death Knight thats my problem

  4. Yo blizzard, i can be fine with you nerfing each deck ive used all my dust to build… i guess.. but not nerfing priest? The most annoying and unbalanced class of which every single player complains saying thats makes them wanna quit? You are a joke

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