Join us as we dive into Kel'Thuzad's laptop for sneak peeks of the new expansion...

HearthStone- Join us as we dive into Kel’Thuzad’s laptop for sneak peeks of the new expansion…

in Heartstone

Sporati loves HearthStone, we all want to follow updates and info on this game

Join us as we dive into Kel’Thuzad’s laptop for sneak peeks of the new expansion and uncover the secrets of Scholomance Academy 👀


HearthStone’s Instagram post information

HearthStone’s social media information post titled Join us as we dive into Kel’Thuzad’s laptop for sneak peeks of the new expansion… is credited to Hearthstone on instagram account playhearthstone and currently has 5432 likes as of posting.

Yes, we all love playing HearthStone, follow our posts on HearthStone Updates!


  1. My account isnt working and blizzard isnt helping me get it back, spent close to a thousand on hearthstone and noone seems to care🤨

  2. I remembered Scholomance as a dark place where the scourge started, KT literally kidnapped people to experiment and torture there. I don’t want HS to be cannon but they could have used another place not the darkest dungeon in classic for a magic school

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